MBE Law Decks

Helping you prep before your prep.

  • Over 1200 questions.
  • Improve your test-taking skills.
  • Track your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Developed by a former bar examiner.

The MBE Law Decks is a unique product aimed at helping you prepare for the Multistate Bar Exam (MBE) by making your prep course more effective. It was developed by a former Bar Examiner and his law firm and was designed to give students a real world approach to many of the problems and questions you’ll find in the MBE.

If you’re like most law graduates, you’ve decided on using one of many options for bar review, such as Barbri, Themis, Kaplan or your own law school bar review course. Many of these review courses can be quite expensive but for such a high stakes exam, it’s probably worth. You’ll spend the weekend with them at their facilities going over all of the areas of content for Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Contracts, Evidence, Real Property, Torts, and Civil Procedure.

It can be quite overwhelming, particularly, if you’re trying to cram all that information in before your exam. You have a ton of questions. Where do you begin? Do you have time to go through everything before your test? Do you have a strategy?

Most students try to review everything in order to prepare the MBE which is not an efficient way to prepare. Our product, the MBE Law Decks, helps make this process much easier. We do this in three ways.

First, we acclimate you to the testing environment by providing you with nearly 1300 MBE-style questions in a series of question sets. Anxiety is a factor in taking these high stakes exams. By acclimating yourself to these types of questions, you’re less likely to be surprised by the exam itself. It allows you to practice applying the concepts you’ve learned to practical scenarios which you’ll find on the exam as well as throughout your career.

Secondly, the MBE Law Decks helps improve your test-taking skills by helping you to see patterns in the questions and answers. We provide explanations to show you why each answer is right or wrong and concepts or laws behind the questions.

Our goal is to help students understand the mindset of the test writer. Too often students invest a great deal of time in reviewing content for an exam without any thought to how the exam is constructed or developed. Understanding how to take a test is as important as knowing what’s on the test.

Finally, we track your progress and competency. Tracking competency means more than tracking the final score you got on a question set. It also means tracking your guesses so you have a good understanding of your strengths and weaknesses. It means that we can show you more definitively whether or not, you know a specific topic well enough. For example, you may have gotten a 85% on a question set in “Evidence: Relevancy and reasons for excluding evidence,” but didn’t realize that you guessed on 65% of the questions. This prevents a false positive as you prepare for any topic or subject.

This is also a key component in developing a good, solid strategy for success. Understanding your strengths and weaknesses allows you to target those areas for which you need more review time. This is particularly useful before you go into your prep course. If you’re spending $5,000 or more on your bar review course, wouldn’t it be good to know what areas you need to be targeting (or paying more attention to) in the course? It might make your investment less painful.

Regardless of which bar review course you choose, we can help make it more meaningful and effective. Find a strategy with MBE Law Decks.

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MBE Law Decks Content Outline

Constitutional Law

  • The nature of judicial review
  • The separation of powers
  • The relation of nation & states in a federal system
  • Individual Rights


  • Formation of contracts
  • Defenses to enforceability
  • Parol evidence and interpretation
  • Performance, breach and discharge
  • Remedies
  • Third-party rights

Criminal Law and Procedure

  • Homicide
  • Other crimes
  • Inchoate crimes; parties
  • General principles
  • Constitutional protection of accused persons


  • Presentation of evidence
  • Relevancy and reasons for excluding relevant evidence
  • Privileges and other policy exclusions
  • Writings, recordings, and photographs
  • Hearsay and circumstances of its admissibility

Real Property

  • Ownership
  • Rights in land
  • Contracts
  • Mortgages/Security devices
  • Titles


  • Intentional torts
  • Negligence
  • Strict liability and products liability
  • Other torts

Civil Procedure

  • Jurisdiction and Venue
  • Law Applied by Federal Courts
  • Pretrial procedures
  • Jury Trials
  • Motions
  • Verdicts and Judgements
  • Appealability & Review

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