Digital Dental Hygiene Notes

CE Webinar is excited to be working with the Dental Hygiene education community again. We’re launching the new Digital Dental Hygiene Notes question bank for the NBDHE.

The Digital Dental Hygiene Notes features nearly 1000 board exam-style questions in our enhanced Learning Management System. The DDHNs cover all subject areas, including

The Digital Dental Hygiene Notes features nearly 1000 board exam-style questions in our enhanced Learning Management System. The DDHNs cover all subject areas, including Biochemistry & Nutrition, Clinical DH: Anatomy & Physiology, Clinical DH: Assessing Patient Characteristics, Clinical DH: Planning & Managing Care, Clinical DH: Using Preventative Agents, Dental Materials, Community Health & Research Principles, Periodontology, Case Studies, Oral Pathology, Radiology, Pharmacology, Professional Responsibilities, and Microbiology.

We provide students with the tools to succeed. The timing feature, for example, allows students to working on their timing. Students can also BOOKMARK specific questions they need to review or make NOTES on items that they need to focus on.

Like all of our products, tracking is an important feature of what we do. By providing this data to students, we help them study smarter. But that’s not all. We also track their guesses to show them a confidence score.

The best part is that this data is provided to our partner dental hygiene schools for FREE. We provide you with the data to keep your students on track and successfully navigate the NBDHE, at no additional charge. To request a faculty audit of the new Digital Dental Hygiene Notes, please fill out the form below.